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DIY Guide: Learn How to Easily Shorten Blinds to Fit Any Window Size

DIY Guide: Learn How to Easily Shorten Blinds to Fit Any Window Size

Learn how to shorten blinds to perfectly fit your window. Follow these simple steps and have your blinds custom-fitted in no time!

Have you ever purchased a set of blinds for your windows only to realize that they are too long? It can be frustrating to have to return them and start the search all over again. However, fear not! Shortening blinds to fit your window is actually easier than you might think. With a few simple tools and some patience, you can have perfectly fitting blinds in no time.

The first step in shortening your blinds is to remove them from the window. Lay them out on a flat surface, making sure that all of the slats are facing the same direction.

Next, measure the exact length that you need your blinds to be. Use a tape measure to get an accurate measurement, and mark the spot where you will need to cut.

Before cutting, it’s important to keep in mind that you will need to leave a little extra length for the bottom rail. This is the piece that holds the slats in place, and you will need enough room to reattach it once you’ve made your cuts.

Once you’ve marked the spot where you need to cut, it’s time to grab your scissors or a sharp knife. Make sure that you are cutting straight across the bottom of the blinds, and be very careful not to damage any of the slats.

After you’ve made your cuts, it’s time to reattach the bottom rail. Depending on the type of blinds you have, this may require a little bit of finesse. Some blinds have a mechanism that snaps the rail back into place, while others may require you to thread the cord through the rail manually.

Once your bottom rail is securely attached, it’s time to rehang your blinds in the window. Make sure that they are level and adjust the cords as necessary to ensure that they function properly.

Shortening your blinds is a simple process, but it does require some precision. Take your time and make sure that you are measuring and cutting accurately to avoid any mishaps.

If you’re still unsure about how to shorten your blinds, there are plenty of resources available to help. You can find step-by-step tutorials online, or even consult with an expert at your local home improvement store. With a little bit of research and some practice, you’ll be a pro at shortening blinds in no time.

Remember, shortening your blinds is a great way to customize them to fit your space perfectly. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – you may just surprise yourself with how easy it can be!

In conclusion, shortening blinds to fit your window is a straightforward process that anyone can do with the right tools and a little bit of patience. Whether you’re working with wooden blinds, vertical blinds, or something in between, the steps are generally the same. By taking your time, measuring carefully, and being mindful of the bottom rail, you can have perfectly fitting blinds in no time. So go ahead and give it a try – you’ll be glad you did!


Blinds are a great way to add a touch of elegance and privacy to your home. However, sometimes they can be too long or too wide for your windows. This can be a problem because it can look unsightly and can be dangerous if the blinds are too long and someone trips over them. Fortunately, it is possible to shorten your blinds to fit your windows. In this article, we will show you how to do this step by step.

What you will need

Before you start, you will need some tools and materials:


  • Measuring tape
  • Pliers
  • Scissors or a sharp knife


  • Blind slats
  • String or cord
  • End caps

Step 1: Measure your blinds

The first thing you need to do is measure the length and width of your blinds. This will give you an idea of how much you need to cut off. Use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of your blinds. Write down the measurements on a piece of paper so you don't forget.

Step 2: Remove the bottom rail

The next step is to remove the bottom rail of your blinds. This is the part that holds the slats in place. To remove it, use pliers to gently pull out the end caps at either end of the rail. Once the end caps are removed, the rail should slide out easily.

Step 3: Remove the excess slats

Now it's time to remove the excess slats. Carefully count how many slats you need to remove, then use scissors or a sharp knife to cut them off. Be sure to cut the strings that hold the slats in place, but don't cut the lift cord or ladder string.

Step 4: Reattach the bottom rail

Once you have removed the excess slats, it's time to reattach the bottom rail. Slide the rail back into place and replace the end caps at either end. Make sure the rail is securely in place before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Reattach the lift cord

The next step is to reattach the lift cord. This is the cord that allows you to raise and lower the blinds. To do this, thread the cord through the holes in the slats and tie a knot at the bottom. Make sure the knots are tight so the cord doesn't slip out of the holes.

Step 6: Reattach the ladder string

The ladder string is the string that runs vertically through the slats and holds them in place. To reattach it, thread the string through the holes in the slats and tie a knot at the top and bottom. Make sure the knots are tight so the string doesn't slip out of the holes.

Step 7: Reattach the end caps

Finally, it's time to reattach the end caps. Put them back in place and make sure they are secure. This will keep the lift cord and ladder string in place.

Step 8: Test the blinds

Now that your blinds are shortened, it's time to test them. Pull the lift cord to raise and lower the blinds. Make sure they operate smoothly and that the slats stay in place.

Step 9: Trim the lift cord

If the lift cord is too long, you can trim it with scissors. Be sure to leave enough cord so you can still raise and lower the blinds.

Step 10: Enjoy your new blinds

Now that you have successfully shortened your blinds, you can enjoy your new look. Your blinds will now fit your windows perfectly and look great!


Shortening your blinds is a simple process that can save you money and improve the look of your home. By following these steps, you can easily adjust your blinds to fit your windows perfectly. Just remember to measure carefully and take your time to ensure you get it right.

Shortening Blinds to Fit Your Window

If you've purchased blinds that are too long for your window, don't worry! It's possible to shorten them and achieve a custom fit. However, before you start the process, remember the golden rule: measure twice, cut once. Taking accurate measurements of your window and the blinds themselves is essential to ensure a precise fit. Once you have the measurements, gather necessary tools such as scissors, a measuring tape, and a flat surface to work on.

Remove Excess Slats and Bottom Rail

If your blinds have more slats than needed for your window, remove the excess by carefully cutting them with scissors. The bottom rail of your blinds can be removed by gently prying it off with a flat tool like a screwdriver. This step will make it easier to measure and cut the blinds to fit your window.

Measure and Mark

Using your measuring tape, determine how much length needs to be removed from the blinds and mark the spot with a pen or pencil. Remember to measure twice to avoid any mistakes.

Cut Carefully

With your scissors, cut along the marked line in a straight line. Be sure to cut slowly and carefully to avoid any mistakes. If the blinds are made of fabric, use a sharp pair of fabric scissors to ensure a clean cut.

Reattach the Bottom Rail

Once you have trimmed the blinds to the desired length, reattach the bottom rail by snapping it back into place. This will give your blinds a finished look and will also help to keep them in place.

Test the Fit

Place your shortened blinds back in the window to ensure they fit correctly. Make any necessary adjustments if they are still too long. Remember that it's better to cut too little than too much. You can always trim a little more if needed.

Finish the Cut Edges

Use a lighter or heat source to carefully melt the cut edges of the blinds to prevent fraying. This will give your blinds a neat and professional finish.

Enjoy Your Custom Fit Blinds

With your shortened blinds now in place, you can enjoy a perfect fit that looks great and functions better. Your custom fit blinds will not only enhance the beauty of your window but will also provide better light control and privacy. So, measure carefully, cut precisely, and enjoy your new custom fit blinds!

Shortening Blinds to Fit Your Window: A How-to Guide

The Pros and Cons of Shortening Blinds to Fit Your Window

Shortening blinds to fit your window can be a great solution if you have purchased blinds that are too long for your window. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons before attempting to shorten your blinds.


  • You can save money by purchasing longer blinds and shortening them yourself.
  • You can customize the length of your blinds to perfectly fit your window.
  • Shortening your blinds can give them a more polished and professional look.


  • Shortening blinds can be a tricky process and may require special tools or skills.
  • If you make a mistake while shortening your blinds, you may need to purchase new ones.
  • Blinds that have been shortened may not look as good as blinds that were custom made for your window.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Shortening Your Blinds

If you have decided to shorten your blinds to fit your window, follow these steps to ensure a successful outcome:

  1. Measure your window to determine how much you need to shorten your blinds.
  2. Remove the bottom rail from your blinds.
  3. Using a pair of scissors or a saw, cut the excess slats and cords from the bottom of your blinds.
  4. Reattach the bottom rail to your blinds using new blind cord or string.
  5. Test your blinds to ensure they are functioning properly.

Important Keywords to Know When Shortening Blinds

Here are some important keywords that you should know when shortening your blinds:

  • Slats: The individual pieces of material that make up your blinds.
  • Cords: The strings that hold your blinds together and allow you to raise and lower them.
  • Bottom rail: The piece of material that holds the bottom of your blinds in place.

By following these tips and tricks, you can successfully shorten your blinds to fit your window and create a polished look in your home.

Shortening Blinds to Fit Your Windows: A DIY Guide

Blinds are a wonderful window treatment that not only provide privacy but also add a decorative touch to any room. However, it can be frustrating when you purchase blinds only to realize they are too long for your windows. Fortunately, shortening blinds is a simple DIY project that anyone can do with the right tools and a little patience.

Before you start, it's important to gather all the necessary tools and materials. You will need a tape measure, scissors, a screwdriver, pliers, and a pencil. You may also need a saw or a pair of snips depending on the type of blinds you have.

The first step in shortening blinds is to remove the excess slats. Measure the length of your window and subtract the desired length of the blinds. This will give you the length you need to remove. Use a pencil to mark where you need to cut the blinds.

Next, remove the bottom rail of the blinds. This can usually be done by removing a few screws with a screwdriver. Once the bottom rail is removed, you can easily remove the excess slats by simply pulling them out of the ladder strings.

After you have removed the excess slats, it's time to reattach the bottom rail. If you had to remove any screws, make sure to replace them. You may also need to trim the ladder strings to fit the new length of the blinds.

If you have Venetian blinds, you may need to trim the metal slats as well. To do this, remove the slat from the blind and use a pair of snips to trim it to the desired length. Be careful not to damage the finish on the slat.

For roller blinds, you will need to remove the fabric from the roller. Measure the length you need to remove and mark it with a pencil. Use scissors to cut along the mark, making sure to keep the fabric straight. Once you have cut the fabric, reattach it to the roller using the original hardware.

When shortening cellular shades or pleated shades, you will need to remove the excess fabric from the bottom of the shade. To do this, gently pull the fabric away from the bottom rail until you can see the knot that holds it in place. Untie the knot and remove the excess fabric. Then retie the knot and trim any excess string.

Finally, test your newly shortened blinds to make sure they fit properly and operate smoothly. Adjust the length of the cords or chains if necessary. With a little patience and attention to detail, you can successfully shorten your blinds to fit any window.

Shortening blinds may seem intimidating at first, but it is a simple DIY project that anyone can do. By following these steps and using the right tools, you can have perfectly fitting blinds in no time. Don't be afraid to give it a try!

Thank you for reading our guide on how to shorten blinds to fit your windows. We hope you found it helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

How to Shorten Blinds to Fit Your Window?

People Also Ask

1. Can I shorten my blinds myself?

Yes, you can shorten your blinds yourself. It is a simple process that requires basic tools and some patience.

2. What tools do I need to shorten my blinds?

You will need a measuring tape, a saw, pliers, a drill, a screwdriver, and a pencil or marker.

3. How do I measure the length of my blinds?

Measure the length of the window from the top of the frame to the bottom. Then subtract 1/2 inch to 1 inch for clearance.

4. How do I remove excess slats from my blinds?

Remove the bottom rail and cut the excess slats with a saw. You can use pliers or sandpaper to smooth the edges.

5. How do I reattach the bottom rail after shortening the blinds?

Drill new holes in the bottom rail at the desired length and attach it to the cords. Make sure the cords are even on both sides.

6. Can I shorten the width of my blinds?

No, you cannot shorten the width of your blinds. You will need to order new blinds that fit your window.

In conclusion, shortening your blinds is a simple DIY process that requires basic tools and some patience. By following these steps, you can easily adjust the length of your blinds to fit your window. However, if you need to adjust the width of your blinds, you will need to order new ones.