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Expert Guidelines on Measuring for Perfectly Fitted Roman Blinds - A Step-by-Step Guide

Expert Guidelines on Measuring for Perfectly Fitted Roman Blinds - A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to measure for Roman blinds with our step-by-step guide. Get the perfect fit for your windows and achieve a polished look.

Are you planning to install roman blinds in your home but unsure of how to measure them? Well, look no further as we have got you covered! Measuring for roman blinds can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a breeze. In this article, we will guide you through the process of measuring for roman blinds, step-by-step.

First things first, you need to decide whether you want your blinds to fit inside the window recess or outside. If you choose to fit them inside, then you need to measure the width and height of the recess. However, if you prefer to fit them outside, then measure the width and height of the area you want your blinds to cover.

Next, you need to measure the width of your window frame. Make sure you measure from the top of the frame to the bottom, taking into account any obstructions such as handles or locks. It's always a good idea to measure the width in three different places - the top, middle, and bottom - just to ensure accuracy.

When measuring the height of your window frame, start from the top of the frame and measure down to where you want your blind to end. If you're opting for an inside fit, then measure the height of the recess instead. Be sure to take note of any obstructions, such as radiators or windowsills, which may affect the height measurement.

Once you have all your measurements, it's time to decide on the type of roman blind you want. There are two main types - standard and blackout. Standard roman blinds are perfect for filtering light and maintaining privacy, while blackout blinds are ideal for blocking out light completely.

When choosing your roman blind, consider the fabric and color you want. Lighter fabrics allow more light to pass through, while darker fabrics provide more privacy. You could also opt for a patterned fabric to add some personality to your room.

Now that you've chosen your roman blind, it's time to place your order. Make sure you double-check your measurements before submitting your order to ensure you've got everything right. Most companies will provide you with a confirmation email, so keep an eye out for that to ensure your order has been processed correctly.

When your roman blind arrives, it's time to install it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Installing roman blinds can be tricky, especially if you're doing it for the first time.

Once your roman blind is installed, take a step back and admire your handiwork! Your new blinds will not only provide privacy and light control, but they'll also add a touch of elegance to your room.

In conclusion, measuring for roman blinds is a straightforward process if you have the right tools and techniques. Remember to measure accurately, choose the right type of blind and fabric, and follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing. With these tips in mind, you'll have beautiful roman blinds in no time!


Roman blinds are a popular window treatment that can add style and elegance to any room. They are versatile and can be used in various settings, from traditional to modern. The key to achieving the perfect look with roman blinds is to measure your windows correctly. This article will provide you with a guide on how to measure for roman blinds.

Tools you need

Before you start measuring, you will need a few tools. These include a tape measure, a pencil, and paper to record your measurements. It's also helpful to have a step stool or ladder if your windows are high up.

Inside or outside mount?

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want an inside or outside mount. An inside mount means that the blinds will fit inside the window frame, while an outside mount means that the blinds will hang outside the window frame.

Inside mount

If you choose an inside mount, you will need to measure the width and height of the window opening. Measure the width at the top, middle, and bottom of the window and record the smallest measurement. Next, measure the height from the top of the window opening to the window sill and record this measurement.

Outside mount

For an outside mount, measure the width and height of the area you want to cover. It's best to add a few inches to the width and height to ensure the blinds will fully cover the window and frame.

Determining the depth

For an inside mount, you will also need to determine the depth of the window frame. This is important as it will affect the type of roman blinds you can use. Measure the depth from the front of the window frame to the back and record this measurement.

Choosing the right length

When it comes to the length of the roman blinds, there are a few things to consider. If you want the blinds to hang below the window sill, add a few inches to your height measurement. If you want them to reach the floor, add even more inches.

Accounting for hardware

Don't forget to account for any hardware that will be used to install the roman blinds. This includes brackets, screws, and mounting hardware. Make sure to add a few inches to your measurements to account for these items.

Double check your measurements

Once you have recorded your measurements, double-check them to ensure they are accurate. It's always a good idea to measure twice to avoid any mistakes.

Ordering your roman blinds

Now that you have your measurements, it's time to order your roman blinds. Make sure to provide the correct measurements to the manufacturer or supplier to ensure you receive blinds that fit perfectly.


When your roman blinds arrive, it's time to install them. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure they are installed correctly. If you're not comfortable installing them yourself, consider hiring a professional to do it for you.


Measuring for roman blinds may seem intimidating at first, but with the right tools and guidance, it's a straightforward process. Take your time, double-check your measurements, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. With the right measurements, you'll have beautiful roman blinds that fit perfectly and enhance your home's décor.

Measuring for Roman Blinds: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to your windows, roman blinds are an excellent option. However, to ensure that they fit perfectly and look amazing, you need to measure your windows correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to measure for roman blinds.

Start with the Window Size

Before you do anything else, you need to know the size of your window. Use a tape measure to measure the width and length of your window, from frame to frame. Write down these measurements as you go.

Measure the Width

The next step is to measure the width of your window. This involves measuring from one side of the window frame to the other. Start at the top of the frame and measure straight across to the opposite side. Record this measurement.

Measure the Length

After you’ve measured the width, it’s time to measure the length. This involves measuring from the top of the window frame to the bottom. Start at the highest point of the window frame and measure straight down to the sill. Record this measurement.

Don’t Forget Your Depth Measurement

When measuring for roman blinds, it’s also important to take into account the depth of your window frame. This will help ensure that your blinds fit properly. Measure the depth of your window frame from the front of the frame to the back. Record this measurement.

Account for Any Obstructions

If your window has any obstructions, such as handles or locks, you’ll need to measure around them. Be sure to take these into account when measuring for your blinds. Measure the distance from the obstruction to the edge of the window frame. Record this measurement.

Consider the Mounting Method

Before purchasing your roman blinds, consider the mounting method you’ll be using. This will affect how you measure for your blinds. If you’re mounting your blinds inside the frame, measure the width and height of the opening. If you’re mounting them outside the frame, measure the width and height of the area where you want the blinds to hang.

Double Check Your Measurements

Once you’ve taken all of your measurements, it’s important to double check them. Make sure that you have recorded all the measurements correctly and that they make sense. This will help ensure that you purchase the correct size blinds for your window.

Get Help from a Professional

If you’re unsure about how to measure for roman blinds, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional. They can guide you through the process and ensure that your blinds fit perfectly. This is especially important if you have unusual or complicated window shapes.

Keep Your Style in Mind

Finally, when measuring for roman blinds, remember to keep your personal style in mind. Consider the color, pattern, and texture of the blinds you want to purchase, and make sure they’ll complement your existing decor. Your measurements will ensure that you get the right size and style of blinds for your windows.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to measure for roman blinds like a pro. With a little bit of patience and attention to detail, you’ll have beautiful, perfectly fitting blinds to enhance the look of your windows and your home.

How to Measure for Roman Blinds: Pros and Cons

The Importance of Accurate Measurements

When it comes to installing roman blinds, accurate measurements are crucial for a perfect fit. Measuring incorrectly can result in blinds that don't fit properly or look unbalanced. It's important to take the time to measure your windows correctly to ensure that your blinds fit perfectly.

Pros of Measuring for Roman Blinds

  • Accurate measurements ensure that your roman blinds fit perfectly
  • You can customize your blinds to fit your specific window dimensions
  • Measuring your windows yourself can save you money on professional installation costs

Cons of Measuring for Roman Blinds

  • Measuring your windows can be time-consuming and requires some technical skill
  • If you make a mistake in your measurements, you may end up with blinds that don't fit properly
  • It can be difficult to measure for roman blinds if you have unique window shapes or sizes

How to Measure for Roman Blinds - Step by Step

Follow these steps to measure your windows accurately for roman blinds:

  1. Measure the width of your window frame from inside edge to inside edge
  2. Measure the height of your window frame from the top to the bottom
  3. Take note of any obstructions, such as handles or locks, that may affect the placement of the blinds
  4. Decide whether you want your blinds mounted inside or outside the window frame and adjust your measurements accordingly
  5. Order your roman blinds based on your accurate measurements


The following table provides definitions for keywords related to measuring for roman blinds:

Keyword Definition
Roman blinds A type of window covering that is made of fabric and folds up when raised
Accurate measurements Precise measurements that are taken with care and attention to detail
Customize To make something to fit a particular person or situation
Professional installation Hiring a skilled individual to install something, such as window coverings
Obstructions Objects or features that may impede the placement or function of something else
Inside mount Mounting blinds inside the window frame
Outside mount Mounting blinds outside the window frame

How to Measure for Roman Blinds: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to our ultimate guide on measuring for roman blinds! Before you start ordering your window treatments, it is important to get accurate measurements to ensure a perfect fit. In this article, we will take you through the steps to measure your windows correctly, so you can order with confidence.

The first step is to decide whether you would like your roman blinds to fit inside or outside of the window recess. Measuring for an inside mount blind is the most common option and provides a streamlined look.

If you have decided on an inside mount, use a metal tape measure to measure the width and height of the recess in three different places: at the top, middle and bottom of the window. Note down the smallest measurement for both width and height, as this ensures the blind will fit snugly inside the recess without any gaps.

It is important to take into account any obstructions such as handles or locks, as this will affect the size of the recess. If you have any obstructions, measure from the furthest point to the edge of the recess and deduct this from the width measurement.

If you prefer an outside mount, measure the width and height of the area you would like to cover. Include any overlap you would like to add to the measurements. A good rule of thumb is to add 10cm to both the width and height to ensure adequate coverage and privacy.

When measuring for an outside mount, consider the depth of the window frame. Allow enough space between the frame and the blind so that it does not interfere with the opening and closing of the window.

Once you have taken accurate measurements, it is time to choose your style of roman blind. There are many options available, including flat, hobbled, and relaxed styles. Each style has its own unique look and function, so take the time to research which one will best suit your needs.

When choosing a fabric, consider how much light you would like to enter the room. If you want to block out light completely, choose a blackout fabric. Alternatively, if you want to let some light in, choose a sheer or translucent fabric.

It is also important to consider the colour and pattern of the fabric. The right fabric can add personality and style to any room. Consider your existing decor and choose a fabric that complements the colours and textures already present.

When ordering your roman blinds, it is important to ensure that you have provided accurate measurements. Double-check your measurements before placing your order to avoid any mistakes.

At this point, you may be wondering whether to install the blinds yourself or hire a professional. If you are confident in your DIY skills, installing the blinds yourself can save you money. However, if you are not comfortable with DIY, hiring a professional will ensure that your blinds are installed correctly and safely.

In conclusion, measuring for roman blinds is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. Take the time to measure accurately and choose the right style and fabric to create a beautiful and functional window treatment.

Thank you for reading our ultimate guide on measuring for roman blinds. We hope this article has been helpful in your search for the perfect window treatment. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. Happy measuring!

How to Measure for Roman Blinds

People Also Ask:

1. How do I measure my window for a roman blind?

The first step in measuring for a roman blind is to determine the exact width and length of your window recess. Use a metal tape measure and ensure that you measure in millimeters for accuracy.

2. Should I measure for an inside or outside mount?

Whether you measure for an inside or outside mount depends on your preference and the type of window frame you have. An inside mount will fit within the recess of your window frame, while an outside mount will be fitted outside of it.

3. How much overlap should I allow for an inside mount?

For an inside mount, it's recommended that you add 10mm to both the width and length of your window recess. This is to allow for any slight variations in the size of your window frame, as well as to ensure that the blind fits snugly within the recess.

4. How much overlap should I allow for an outside mount?

For an outside mount, you'll want to add at least 50mm to both the width and length of your window opening. This will ensure that the blind covers the entire window frame and provides maximum privacy and light control.

5. What if my window is an irregular shape?

If you have an irregularly shaped window, such as a bay window, you may need to take multiple measurements and order custom made-to-measure roman blinds. It's important to consult with a professional to ensure that your measurements are accurate and that your blinds fit perfectly.

Remember, always double check your measurements before placing your order to ensure that your roman blinds fit perfectly and provide maximum privacy and light control.